DB Professional was a guest at the L-Acoustics headquarters to have a listen to the newest series of the L2. Find out what we think in the AV & Entertainment Magazine!
Fabian Hamers is the owner of DB Professional, a company that specializes in touring with artists. Efficiency
and quality obviously play a leading role. “We may be less known as a supplier in the Dutch market in the festival sector, but in Germany we can regularly be found in halls such as the Oberhausener Arena, Lanxess Arena and the Verti Music Hall,” he says. “In addition to providing complete audiovisual productions within Europe and engineers all over the world, we also provide an A-class sound system at every location, where I often create the designs myself and deliver them to the guest FOH Mix Engineer.”
Hamers has been working with L-Acoustics for twelve years and as a company has now been the owner of a wide range of L-Acoustics materials for nine years. He found the visit to the company interesting: “Every effort was made to make you feel immediately at home and everything was explained in a very accessible way, so that even non-specialists can understand it.” The new system itself also impressed Hamers: “The fade-out to the rear was nice. I had already prepared myself for this, but I had not expected the possibility that the pattern could be changed and that the angle of extinction had been considered. This is an immediate advantage in the L2 system, so that you can fade out towards the center of the stage, or directly towards the back. In addition, L2 is an interesting system to tour with, as the time required to build it is significantly reduced.”
“In addition to the fact that the corners are fixed – which I initially had my reservations about, the rigging is also fast and inventive, fool-proof,” Hamers continues. “These are exactly the points that we often encounter on location, which means that it can take quite a long time before a complete system is delivered. With the L2 system, dismantling took only ten minutes with two people. A nice addition to the day was the visit to the impressive L-ISA studio, where I heard how the system was devised and for what reasons. A nice story and a beautiful statement of sound and positioning within the possibilities of the L-ISA system.”